There are a wide variety of groups and organisations within Whiteabbey Methodist Church, dedicated to serving the local community and helping people encounter Christ.

CHECK OUT THE Details of each below


Boys’ Brigade

12th Newtownabbey Company
The objective of Boys’ Brigade (BB) is the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys, and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline and self-respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.

Meets Every Monday 7pm-8pm

Anchor Boys (5 -8 yrs) |
Junior Section (8 - 11yrs) |
Company Section (11 - 18yrs) |

For more details call the Captain on 02890 868185



Storehouse seeks to provide a practical solution to food poverty in the Newtownabbey area, demonstrating the love of God to those most vulnerable and in need of practical love and compassion. Working with the local churches, we serve together with partner agencies, Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Health Visitors to alleviate poverty and hunger by providing food and essentials straight to the family’s door.

Information on our requirements on our Facebook Page


Saturday Prayer Meeting

It is an opportunity to praise and thank God and to bring before Him in prayer the concerns of our hearts and prayers are offered for the members of our Church, wider community and the World. We are a small welcoming group, meeting in the Church Vestry for an hour. Please feel free to join us on a regular basis or just to come along when you believe that it would be especially helpful to share in prayer with others.

Every Saturday | 8am-9am

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Wednesday Prayer Group

A weekly opportunity to meet together and spend time praying for those who are ill, in need of breakthrough and for God to move powerfully in the lives of loved ones and our local community.

Meeting Every Wednesday | 12.30pm-1pm


Lupus Group

The Northern Ireland Lupus Group and Committee meetings are held in Whiteabbey Methodist Church halls throughout the year, aiming to support and inform people with Lupus and their families to find ways to cope with the illness. We cover topics like dentistry, podiatry, rheumatology, pain management, fatigue management.

For further details please see the Facebook page or the website


Time Out

We care for our senior church family members dearly. Time Out is an opportunity for them to meet socially in a relaxed and familiar environment. Over a light lunch, folks have the opportunity to chat, sharing in God’s love and fellowship with each other.

The group try to have two to three outings a year and also interesting speakers. Kurling is available for those more energetic.

Meet Third Tuesday each month from 12pm-2pm.
All are very welcome

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The Boys’ Brigade NI Centenary Male Voice Choir

The Boys’ Brigade NI Centenary Male Voice Choir practises fortnightly, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from September to April in the Church Hall at 7.30 pm. If you have a connection with, or, are supportive of the aims and objectives of The Boys’ Brigade, you will be made very welcome.

Every 2nd & 4th Thursday | 7.30pm



Meeting weekly in our church hall offering a chance to get active and meet other people

Come along and enjoy a game and enjoy fellowship.

Tuesdays | 7.45pm Men & Women

Wednesday | 10.15am Women